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Format Specifier And Escape Sequence-:

Format Specifier 1-  Format specifier are the combination of "%" and either a single or two alphabet in lowercase or uppercase,used to identifying the type of data. 2-  Format specifier are used during input and output ,It is a way to tell the compiler what type of data  get stored while taking input using scanf(),and what type of data is displayed on the screen using printf(). Example -: In a C program,when we have to print an integer value,character and float value on console output screen we will write the below statements-:     printf("The Integer value is %d",variable);     printf("The Character is %c",variable);     printf("The float Value is %f",variable); Escape Sequence An escape sequence is a sequence of character that does not represent itself when used inside a character or string constant but is translated into another character or a sequence of character that may be difficult to represent directly. ...

Tokens in C Language-:

Character Set A Character set can be define as collection of the following -: (a-) ALPHABET -  Lowercase [a-z] and Uppercase [A-Z] (b-) DIGIT-  [0-9] (C-) SPECIAL SYMBOL -[@,#,:,<,>,!;] Reserved Words [keywords] 1-  They are those words which are pre-defined and have some specific meaning .such words can be used in a program only for their intended purpose. 2-  Reserved words are always be written in lowercase letter. 3-  Some of the common example of keywords are as follow-:         void,int,switch,for,else,if,continue,break,etc.. There are total 32 keywords available in C language. auto,  else ,  long ,  switch,  break ,  enum ,  register ,  typedef,  case,  extern,  return,  union,  char,  float  short,  unsigned,  const,  for,  signed,  void,  continue,  goto,  sizeof,  volatile,  def...

Algorithm And Flowchart-:

Algorithm 1-    Algorithm     refers to the logic of a program. 2-  It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a specific problem. 3-  Step-by-step description of how to arrive at a solution of a given problem. 4- Each instruction must get executed in finite time. 5- None of the instructions get repeated infinitely. 6- After performing the task ,algorithm must terminate. EXAMPLE -: Algorithm to find number is even or odd. STEP 1- S tart STEP 2-  Read value of x STEP 3-  Calculate r=x mod 2 STEP 4-  If r==0, display "Num is even" STEP 5-  Display "Num is odd" STEP 6-  Stop ads Watch The   Video   Below Flowchart A  Flowchart is a type of pictorial representation that represent an algorithm ,work flow or process,showing the steps as boxes of various kind,and their order by connecting them with arrow this diagrammatic representation illustrate a solution model to given problem. ...

Translator And Compiler Vs Interpreter-:

Translator 1-  It is a software that accept the source code ,written in any programming language and convert it into target language for which it is developed. 2-  Translator also detect and report error during translation. 3-  Different types of translator are as follow-:                (a-) Assembler               (b-) compiler                (c-) Interpreter ASSEMBLER- : Assembler is a program which is used to translate the code written in assembly language into machine language. Compiler VS Interpreter ads Watch The Video Below

Uses And Environment For C Language-:

Now a days, C language is using the following areas :- 1-  System Programming 2-  Device Driver 3- Telecom Application 4- Network Programming 5- Database Application 6- Text Editor and so on.... Environment For C  Language If we want to setup an environment for C Programming Language, we need the following two software tools available on our computer. 1- Text Editor -:  A Text Editor is a word Processing program that allows the user to write ,change,store and print text. 2- C Compiler -: It is a software that accept the source code,written in C Programming Language and convert it into object code ads Watch The Video Below T

Features Of C Language-:

1-  C is a Procedural icon based programming language this means,the program is viewed as a to solve a problem. 2 - Various function,code blocks are written to solve the problem, C is highly portable means C program written on one computer can run on other computer without making any changes. 3 - C works best for small project where performance is important. 4 - C is simple and easy to learn and use ,the main component like built-in-function,operator,keyword are small in number. ads Watch The Video Below

History Of C Language-:

1- C has often termed as a"PSEUDO LEVEL LANGUAGE"or,a "MIDDLE LEVEL           LANGUAGE",by many programmers. ads 2- Ken Thompson created the 'B' language in 1969 from Martin Richard's,"Basic Programming Language" [BCPL]. 3- Dennis Ritchie later on converted 'B' language into C language by retaning most of the B's syntax in 1972. 4- C was invented to write an operating system called as UNIX. ads : Watch The Video Below

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