Format Specifier
1- Format specifier are the combination of "%" and either a single or two alphabet in lowercase or uppercase,used to identifying the type of data.
2- Format specifier are used during input and output ,It is a way to tell the compiler what type of data get stored while taking input using scanf(),and what type of data is displayed on the screen using printf().
Example-: In a C program,when we have to print an integer value,character and float value on console output screen we will write the below statements-:
Example-: In a C program,when we have to print an integer value,character and float value on console output screen we will write the below statements-:
printf("The Integer value is %d",variable);
printf("The Character is %c",variable);
printf("The float Value is %f",variable);
Escape Sequence
An escape sequence is a sequence of character that does not represent itself when used inside a character or string constant but is translated into another character or a sequence of character that may be difficult to represent directly.
An escape sequence is used to format the output on the screen it is combination of "\" and a character[alphabet] in lowercase.
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