1- Algorithm refers to the logic of a program.2- It is a step-by-step procedure to solve a specific problem.
3- Step-by-step description of how to arrive at a solution of a given problem.
4-Each instruction must get executed in finite time.
5-None of the instructions get repeated infinitely.
6-After performing the task ,algorithm must terminate.
EXAMPLE-: Algorithm to find number is even or odd.
STEP 1- Start
STEP 2- Read value of x
STEP 3- Calculate r=x mod 2
STEP 4- If r==0, display "Num is even"
STEP 5- Display "Num is odd"
STEP 6- Stop
A Flowchart is a type of pictorial representation that represent an algorithm ,work flow or process,showing the steps as boxes of various kind,and their order by connecting them with arrow this diagrammatic representation illustrate a solution model to given problem.
Flowchart are used in analysis ,designing,documenting,managing a process in various fields.Process of drawing a flowchart is known as flow-charting.Different symbols are used for different in flowchart .
I wish you may have understand about algorithm and flowchart...